The Power of Affirmation

The Power of Affirmation

Affirmations sound like such simple things.

Phrases such as “I look great today” and I’m a nice person” usually come to mind. Affirmations are more complex and complicated than those two statements appear to be on the surface. Let’s face it.

We all have negative thoughts about ourselves.

These negative preconceptions can take up space in our head and can cause a lot of damage to self-esteem. Especially, if these messages are coming to you from those you love. Learning to replace negative self-talk with positivity will take both time and effort. Reframe conversations that you have with yourself. Instead of thinking “There’s no way I will get this job,” change the narrative to “I have the necessary skills and experience. I have a great shot at getting this job.”

Consistency is key with affirmations.

With daily practice, you can take charge of your story and take your power back. You have the control and the power to make this change.

We believe in you.

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