HARRT (the Healthy And Responsible Relationships Troop) is a school-based, youth-led Adolescent Relationship Abuse prevention program.

Contact us for more information:
(209) 524-4331 or

HAVEN believes in positive youth development and the importance of prevention programming! Our school-based adolescent relationship abuse prevention programs harness the power and passion of youth.

HAVEN’s Healthy Relationships Educators teach and train adolescents to become knowledgeable about healthy and unhealthy relationships and to serve as peer educators, advocates and ambassadors of change on their campuses.

Program implementation sites include:

  • Pitman High School, Patterson High School, Del Puerto High School, Glick Middle School, Stanislaus Military Academy, Stanislaus State, Stanislaus Juvenile Corrections, and Riverbank Elementary.

Through the program, core groups of high school students are educated, empowered and supported to address, reduce and prevent adolescent dating abuse while promoting healthy teen relationships.

HARRT youth leaders deliver peer-to-peer educational presentations to students in freshman health classes, at school assemblies and in breakout sessions at various local youth conferences. Additionally, they conduct educational outreach to community members (a mix of adults and youth) through information tables, panel discussions and brief presentations at local events with community partners.

Since its inception in 2015, the HARRT program has trained 41 youth leaders and peer educators (plus 25 new Patterson youth!) who have, collectively, reached 7,411 Stanislaus County residents (predominately youth) with their adolescent dating abuse prevention education and healthy relationships campaigns.

The videos below were conceived, written and filmed by HARRT program participants.

They may be triggering for some viewers.

Should you need support, please call our our 24-Hour Crisis Line: 209.577.5980

Make Up


Timeless PSA 2